Black Rifle Coffee Company is a premium, small-batch, roast-to-order, veteran-owned coffee company. At BRCC, we import our high-quality coffee beans from Colombia and Brazil, then we personally blend and roast every one of our kick-ass coffees and ship them directly to you. We develop our explosive roast profiles with the same mission focus we learned as military members serving this great country. All BRCC blends are available in whole-bean and ground varieties. We also have many roasts for purchase in single-serve "coffee rounds."
The best way to enjoy our freedom-filled coffee is with the Black Rifle Coffee Club. You choose the amount and blends you crave, we offer it to you at a special discounted price, shipped directly to your home every month. This added convenience allows you to keep working hard, making America the land of the free and home of the brave.
Home of the official Blue Lives Matter organization. America's largest law enforcement support community.
Blue Lives Matter is a media company, founded and run entirely by active, former, and retired law enforcement officers and their families.
Due to the nature of the profession, law enforcement personnel are seen as easy targets and are consequently bullied by slander, illegitimate complaints, frivolous lawsuits, and physical attacks.
Unjust attacks from the new media, celebrities, and politicians have damaged community relations and endangered the lives and safety of law enforcement officers.
We are supported by Americans who believe in law and order and want to provide a counterbalance to the dangerous false narratives being propagated about law enforcement.
Our mission to support law enforcement is accomplished through our supporters, the world's largest community of Americans who support law enforcement.
The mission of Blue Lives Matter is to support American police officers and improve community relations by educating the public about law enforcement, shedding light on injustice, encouraging respectful discussion, and exposing unethical practices and false information in the news media.
Core Values
Justice - The world is full of injustice and we will ensure that it is brought to light.
Honesty/Accuracy - We strive to make our content honest and accurate so that people can be exposed to the truth.
Civil Rights - Thanks to the Constitution, all people within the United States of America are afforded civil rights by which must be acknowledged and respected.
Copyright TheMaven Network, Inc - 3/15/2018

The core values of Blue Lives Matter inspire us as we accomplish our mission, and can be seen in the content we provide.
Equality - All people are created equal, no matter their race, religion, ethnicity, disability, skin color, gender, or sexual orientation. Blue Lives are made up of all lives - Law enforcement officers come from all manner of backgrounds and beliefs and they all deserve our respect.