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© 2015 Michigan Economic Development Corporation

Discover everything that is Pure Michigan. Find attractions, events, shopping, dining, and lodging. Plan your outdoor adventure or weekend trip, at michigan.org.
© 2015 Michigan Economic Development Corporation

Welcome to Michiganology.org where Michiganologists focus on the study of Michigan. A Michiganologist is someone who is curious about Michigan, shares its stories, and understands and takes pride in Michigan’s unique identity. If you are not already a Michiganologist, we can help!
As part of the Michigan History Center, Michiganology’s mission is to foster curiosity, enjoyment, and inspiration rooted in Michigan’s stories.
Michiganology.org began as SeekingMichigan.org 10 years ago when the Archives of Michigan and the Library of Michigan partnered to deliver more than 1 million records online. Now, more than 10 million records are available online along with interesting educational materials and countless stories chronicling the everyday lives of Michiganders.
Staff continue to streamline indexes on Michiganology.org so you can search across collections and dig deeper. We are also partnering with FamilySearch.org to digitize and index a number of local government records. Through this partnership, more than 7 million naturalization records will soon be available on Michiganology.org.
In addition to millions of records, Michiganology shares the stories of Michigan. These stories go beyond a quick set of facts about Michigan. Historians and archivists at the Michigan History Center are always looking for stories about people with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
We are also creating educational materials. Educators at the Michigan History Center are curating stories from a multitude of perspectives to give primary and secondary students a rich, in-depth portrait of Michigan’s past.
Michiganology.org retains the retail store started as Michiganology.com where you can continue to buy Michigan-inspired products, images, and maps. The store is a for-purpose project and all proceeds go towards funding programs (including Michiganology.org) at the Michigan History Center.
Michiganology is for you. Find your story, let us help.
Copyright © 2021 Michiganology